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The Legend of Zelda Series Community, (A.K.A. Zelda Community) is a place to talk to others about The Legend of Zelda. After the Super Smash Bros. Series Community was renovated into a place for Smash Bros. only, the off-topic posters moved to the Zelda Community after failing to move to the Volleyball Community and continued posting memes/off-topic posts. The Users that were previously posting in this community were furious, and now we know the users in the Zelda Community are either a Hylian (Zelda user) or a Smasher (off-topic user). Hylians attempted to oust the Smashers by forming groups like the infamous T.A.B. There is still a growing conflict between the Hylians and Smashers, and every truce has failed to bring them together. However some have grown to live with each other and have created friendly bonds, like Nick. Many Smashers moved to the Meme Run Community and the Wii Fit U Community.
